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C Function Libraries

Description of C Function Libraries

Functions described below are used for interaction with Orbicraft construction set subsystems by programs written in C.

The default number for devices with no number indicated on their housing is 1.

Standard return codes generated by library functions

#define LSS_OK 0 
#define LSS_ERROR 1 
#define LSS_BREAK 2

Orbiter power system (OPS)

float battery_get_charge(void);

Returns the current charge level of the virtual OPS (mA*h)

float battery_get_discharging_current(void); 

Returns the current value of current in the virtual OPS circuit (mA)


int magnetometer_get_state(uint16_t num);

Returns the current magnetometer state (on/off)

int magnetometer_request_raw(uint16_t num,int16_t *pRAW_dataX,int16_t *pRAW_dataY,int16_t *pRAW_dataZ); 

Returns LSS_OK and writes current readings of the magnetometer ID num in the pRAW_dataX - pRAW_dataZ variables

Returns LSS_ERROR if errors occurred on the bus

Returns LSS_BREAK if the magnetometer is powered down

The returned value is scaled at 1100 RAW units per Gauss along X and Y axes, 980 RAW units per Gauss along the Z axis.
int magnetometer_request_reset(uint16_t num); 

Reboots the magnetometer num

int magnetometer_turn_off(uint16_t num);

Turns off the magnetometer num

int magnetometer_turn_on(uint16_t num);

Turns on the magnetometer ID num

Angular Velocity Sensor (AVS)

int hyro_get_state(uint16_t num);

Returns the current AVS state (on/off)

int hyro_request_raw(uint16_t num,int16_t *pRAW_dataX,int16_t *pRAW_dataY,int16_t *pRAW_dataZ); 

Returns LSS_OK and writes current readings of the AVS identified with num in the pRAW_dataX - pRAW_dataZ variables

Returns LSS_ERROR if errors occurred on the bus

Returns LSS_BREAK if the AVS is powered down

Readings of angular velocity provided by the sensor are scaled at 0.00875 deg/s per one RAW unit.
int hyro_request_reset(uint16_t num);

Reboots the AVS num

int hyro_turn_off(uint16_t num);

Turns off the AVS num

int hyro_turn_on(uint16_t num);

Turns on the AVS num

Solar Sensor

int sun_sensor_get_state(uint16_t num);

Returns the current state (on/off) of the solar sensor num

int sun_sensor_request_maxraw(uint16_t num, uint16_t *pMAXRAW_data1, uint16_t *pMAXRAW_data2); 

Returns LSS_OK and records current maximum readings of the solar sensor ID num into pMAXRAW_data1 and pMAXRAW_data2 variables. A maximum is defined as the maximum value ever detected by the sensor since last reboot

Returns LSS_ERROR if errors occurred on the bus

Returns LSS_BREAK if the magnetometer is powered down

int sun_sensor_request_raw(uint16_t num, uint16_t *pRAW_data1, uint16_t *pRAW_data2); 

Returns LSS_OK and writes current readings of the solar sensor num in the pRAW_data1 and pRAW_data2 variables

Returns LSS_ERROR if errors occurred on the bus

Returns LSS_BREAK if the solar sensor is powered down

int sun_sensor_request_reset(uint16_t num);

Reboots the solar sensor num int sun_sensor_set_calibrate(uint16_t num,uint8_t mode); Not used int sun_sensor_set_minvalue(uint16_t num,uint16_t value); Not used

int sun_sensor_turn_off(uint16_t num);

Reboots the solar sensor num

int sun_sensor_turn_on(uint16_t num);

Turns on the solar sensor num

Reaction wheel

int motor_get_state(uint16_t num);

Returns the current state (on/off) of the reaction wheel num

int motor_request_reset(uint16_t num);

Reboots the wheel num

int motor_request_speed(uint16_t num,int16_t *pRPM);

Returns LSS_OK and writes the current speed of the wheel num in the pRPM variable Returns LSS_ERROR if errors occurred on the bus Returns LSS_BREAK if the wheel is powered down

int motor_set_speed(uint16_t num,int16_t RPM,int16_t *confirm);

Returns LSS_OK and writes the specified speed of the wheel num in the confirm variable, setting the wheel to run at this speed Returns LSS_ERROR if errors occurred on the bus Returns LSS_BREAK if the wheel is powered down

int motor_turn_off(uint16_t num);

Turns off the wheel num (turning off and on intermittently is not recommended!)

int motor_turn_on(uint16_t num);

Turns of the wheel num

Earth Observation Camera

int camera_get_state(void); 

Returns the current state of the camera (on/off)

int camera_turn_off(void);

Turns off the camera

int camera_turn_on(void);

Turns on the camera

int camera_take_photo(uint16_t num);

Takes a picture with the camera, storing it in a cell indexed with num

HF Radio Link

int transmitter_get_state(uint16_t num);

Returns the current state of the HF transmitter (on/off)

int transmitter_transmit_photo(uint16_t num, uint16_t nPhoto);

Transfers the photograph from the cell of the camera ID nPhoto using the HF transmitter num to the HF receiver (to Earth)

int transmitter_request_reset(uint16_t num);

Reboots the HF transmitter num

int transmitter_turn_off(uint16_t num);

Turn off the HF transmitter num

int transmitter_turn_on(uint16_t num);

Turn on the HF transmitter num

VHF/UHF Radio Link

int transceiver_get_state(uint16_t num);

Returns the current state (on/off) of the telemetry transmitter num int transceiver_request_buff(uint16_t num,uint8_t *data); Not used

int transceiver_request_reset(uint16_t num);

Reboots the telemetry transmitter num

int transceiver_send(uint16_t tx_num,uint16_t rx_num,const uint8_t *data,uint16_t len);

Transfers a data packet containing data of length len from the telemetry transmitter ID tx_num to the telemetry receiver ID rx_num (to the ground)

int transceiver_turn_off(uint16_t num);

Turns off the telemetry receiver num to conserve power

int transceiver_turn_on(uint16_t num);

Turns on telemetry transmitter num

General-Purpose Functions

void dump_buffer(uint8_t *buf,size_t len); Not used

void mSleep(int msec);

Pauses the program for msec milliseconds

void Sleep(int sec);

Pauses the program for sec seconds

int bus_setup(void);

Sets up all devices on the bus to receive data. By default, upon power-on or reboot, devices may only commence data transfer after at least one transaction on the bus is completed (with any device). This function simply broadcasts a null message.

en/libschsat.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/25 16:28 (external edit)