#include "libschsat.h" int control(){ uint16_t num = 1; // Номер Датчика угловой скорости int16_t hyro_result[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; printf("Enable angular velocity sensor № %d", num); hyro_turn_on(num); // Включаем ДУС Sleep (1); //Ждем включения 1 секунду printf("\nGet RAW data from angular velocity sensor\n"); int i; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { //Считываем показания 10 раз hyro_result[0] = hyro_request_raw(num,& hyro_result[1],& hyro_result[2],& hyro_result[3]); if (!hyro_result[0]) { printf("state: %d", i); printf(" x_raw = %d", hyro_result[1]); printf(" y_raw = %d", hyro_result[2]); printf(" z_raw = %d\n", hyro_result[3]); } else if (hyro_result[0] == 1) { printf("Fail because of access error, check the connection"); } else if (hyro_result[0] == 2) { printf("Fail because of interface error, check your code"); } Sleep(1); } printf("\nDisable angular velocity sensor № %d\n", num); hyro_turn_off(num); return 0; }