#include #include #include "libschsat.h" #define LSS_OK 0 #define LSS_ERROR 1 #define LSS_BREAK 2 #include const int time_step = 1; const uint16_t mag_num = 1; int mag_calibrated(int16_t *magx, int16_t *magy, int16_t *magz ){ float magx_cal; magx_cal = 1.06*(*magx + -7.49) + -0.01*(*magy + -23.59) + 0.07*(*magz + -108.24); float magy_cal; magy_cal = -0.01*(*magx + -7.49) + 1.11*(*magy + -23.59) + 0.09*(*magz + -108.24); float magz_cal; magz_cal = 0.07*(*magx + -7.49) + 0.09*(*magy + -23.59) + 1.00*(*magz + -108.24); *magx = (int16_t) magx_cal; *magy = (int16_t) magy_cal; *magz = (int16_t) magz_cal; return 0; } void initialize_all(){ printf("Enable magnetometer %d\n", mag_num); magnetometer_turn_on(mag_num); Sleep(1); } void switch_off_all(){ printf("Disable magnetometer %d\n", mag_num); magnetometer_turn_off(mag_num); } int control(){ initialize_all(); int mag_state = 0; int16_t mgx_cal=0; int16_t mgy_cal=0; int16_t mgz_cal=0; int16_t *magx_cal = &mgx_cal; int16_t *magy_cal = &mgy_cal; int16_t *magz_cal = &mgz_cal; int i; for ( i= 0; i < 60; i++){ mag_state = magnetometer_request_raw(mag_num, magx_cal,magy_cal,magz_cal); float mag_alpha; if (!mag_state){ mag_calibrated(magx_cal,magy_cal,magz_cal); mag_alpha = atan2(mgy_cal, mgx_cal)/ M_PI *180; printf("mag_alpha atan2 = %f\n", mag_alpha); } else if (mag_state == 1){ printf("Fail because of access error, check the connection"); } else if (mag_state == 2){ printf("Fail because of interface error, check your code"); } Sleep(time_step); } switch_off_all(); return 0; }